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10 Winter Activities for Seniors

Schedule a Visit Today! A senior couple dressed in warm clothing, out for a walk on a sunny winter's day

It can be challenging to keep up with our favorite activities in chilly weather. Most people think of winter as a time for hibernation, but seniors need to keep their minds and bodies active, even when it’s cold outside! 

At Bellaire at Stone Port, we’re passionate about senior health and wellness, and want our residents to stay warm and busy over the winter months. Our incredible team has put together a list of winter activities catered to seniors, and their friends and family members. 

We hope you enjoy them with your loved ones throughout the winter season. 

Bellaire’s Top 10 

Here are Bellaire’s top 10 winter activities for seniors: 

  • Join a Gym: 

Forget what you’ve seen on TV and in the movies: a gym is not just a sweaty place filled with overly-muscled men and women! These days, many gyms cater to older crowds, have all the latest exercise equipment, and provide many social opportunities.  

Reach out to a few gyms in your area to find out which ones will accommodate your physical needs. 

Ask about one-on-one orientation sessions with a staff member; most facilities will personally show you all the amenities and provide instructions for the equipment. 

  • Host a Video Game Tournament: 

This suggestion may make you giggle, but studies have shown that video games can help improve cognitive function.

They’re also helpful with: 

  • Short-term memory 
  • Fine motor skills 
  • Spatial awareness

Have a look online or at the local game store to find a gaming system and games that appeal to you and your loved ones. Invite your friends and family over for snacks and a video game tournament! 

  • May I Have This Dance? 

Dancing has been proven to have lasting positive effects on the brain and body. Who doesn’t feel good when swaying happily to their favorite song? Dancing helps boost memory, improves cerebral health, and helps promote spatial awareness.

Dancing alone in your room can be fun, but dancing with friends can be even better!

Contact dance studios in your area to find out if they hold classes catering to seniors, or better yet, suggest they start one for you and your friends. 

  • Be a Tourist in Your Own City  

The attractions in your hometown that are so busy during the hot summer months are usually open in the winter, too! Chillier months are the perfect opportunity to take advantage of uncrowded tourist activities, like:  

  • Zoos
  • Museums
  • Botanical gardens 
  • State parks
  • Historical landmarks 

Many of these attractions will offer a mix of indoor and outdoor experiences. Why not enjoy some of your own hometown’s hospitality with your family and friends?

  • Yoga 

Yoga is typically a low-impact type of exercise, focusing on relaxation and breathing.  

There are various types of yoga, each encouraging its participants to hold different poses and positions. Yoga has many benefits for seniors, including:

  • Increases flexibility 
  • Strengthens muscles 
  • Improves balance 
  • Encourages mindfulness 

Some classes will be more strenuous than others, so we recommend contacting a few yoga studios in your area to enquire about more gentle classes for seniors.

  • Window Shopping  

Head to shops and see if a new outfit catches your eye, or hit the bookstore to find out about the latest bestsellers! 

You don’t need to spend your hard-earned money on every shopping trip; it’s okay to have a peek at what’s new on the shelves and make a list of what you’d like to purchase. 

Window shopping is fantastic when you’re looking for an indoor activity on a blustery day; it allows you to socialize and get a little exercise too! 

A senior in a swimming pool with her elbows up on the edge smiling, with blue goggles

  • Swimming 

Swimming can help improve endurance and balance, and is an all-around excellent daily activity for seniors. (and who doesn’t love to finish with a dip in the hot tub on a chilly day?)

Swimming has various health benefits, like: 

  • Alleviating joint strain 
  • Improving flexibility 
  • Improving range of motion 
  • Improving stability 
  • Promoting cardiovascular health 

If swimming laps don’t appeal to you, contact a few of the pools in your area to find out if they offer senior exercise programs. Inquire about accessibility, and bring a friend or loved one with you to help in the changing room, or the water. 

  • Outdoor Fun With Family & Friends 

Spending time outside with family and friends in cooler weather can be uplifting and joyful. Having a seat around the fire, building a snowman, playing catch with the family dog, and enjoying the company of our loved ones is just what the doctor ordered! 

Remember to dress appropriately for the weather!

  • Go For a Walk 

Walking is an excellent way to get exercise and stay healthy. If you are in a snowy area, be sure to wear appropriate footwear and watch for slippery sections. If conditions are particularly icy, you may consider walking indoors at:  

  • Your community center
  • The local mall
  • An indoor walking track
  • Get Creative 

Winter is a fantastic time to master a beloved hobby, or even learn something new! Do you want to solve that puzzle that’s been sitting on the shelf? Or maybe you’ve been waiting for a chance to master the pineapple upside-down cake? The time is now! 

Remember that hobbies are always more fun when shared with friends and family. 

Fascinating and engaging winter hobbies can include: 

  • Crafting
  • Painting
  • Puzzles 
  • Board games 
  • Indoor gardening 
  • Baking 
  • Cooking 

Enjoying The Winter Months

Keeping your mind and body active over the colder months is vital to your overall health and wellness. Don’t hide away indoors and miss all the wonders winter has to offer! 

If you want more information about winter activities for seniors, contact our knowledgeable and experienced team at Bellaire at Stone Port. We care about seniors, and want to ensure their happiness and quality of life all year round.